Cellulite (lipodystrophie): What are the causes of cellulite in men?

Cellulite (lipodystrophie): What are the causes of cellulite in men?

In spite of the fact that cellulite is considered to be a disease of the weaker sex, it can also develop in men. In fact, cellulite is the dystrophy of subcutaneous fat which has similar structure in both genders. The main difference lies in the so-called problem zones of its appearance. In women it usually manifests in the upper legs, especially thighs and buttocks, in men – in the abdominal zones. While in women cellulite is seen as ‘orange peel’ or ‘mattress’, in men it is seen as abdominal fat pad.

Often cellulite in men appears in the same body parts as it does in women, though its appearance can be minimal due to the fact that two genders store fat differently. Thanks to structural peculiarities of muscle tissue in men, excess fat cells accumulate among fibers not causing the ‘orange peel’ effect. Absence of visible defect is conditioned by thinner layer of fat tissue and other subcutaneous masses.

The opinion that cellulite is just a cosmetic or esthetic defect is erroneous. Like any other malady it can be the signal of a serious body disorder.

What are the causes of cellulite in men?

1- the sedentary lifestyle:

Lack of physical activity can lead to congestive events, which obstruct intercellular metabolism. Cellulite can appear even in sportsmen who give little attention to abdominal muscles.

2- stress:

When under steady stress, the body doesn’t have proper rest and wears out. This results in metabolic processes disorders followed by subcutaneous dystrophy.

3- unhealthy diet:

Excessive consumption of rich and fattening food leads not only to cellulite but to obesity as well, while restricted caloric intake and weight loss might significantly improve the matter.

4- hormonal factor:

Cellulite appears in men due to imbalance of adrenaline, which is responsible for fat splitting and noradrenaline, which blocks the process of fat splitting. Moreover, limitations to fluid movement and drainage regulated by hormones may contribute to the condition.

5- tight clothing and postural disorder:

Tight, uncomfortable clothing and poor posture impedes normal internals blood circulation. As a consequence, cellulite will not be long in appearing.

The fact that cellulite is less observable in men, doesn’t mean that men don’t have it. And when we carefully consider the reasons and processes of its appearance, it becomes clear that cellulite affects men to the same extent as women. At the same time cellulite is by no means an incurable or fatal disease, though it is the same difficult to remove it in men as in women if neglecting healthy living.
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